With Rain Returning to SoCal, LADWP Says:Please Shut Off Your Sprinklers, LA! |
LOS ANGELES—With much-needed rain returning to the Southland tomorrow and rain forecast again for part of next week, officials at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) are urging all customers to turn off their sprinklers and other outdoor irrigation systems, and leave them off.
“Please shut them off, and leave them off until the ground dries – at least 5 -10 days after a storm. There’s nothing more wasteful than running sprinklers during or after it rains, and there’s no easier way to save water and money than to shut your sprinklers off,” said Marty Adams, LADWP’s Deputy Senior Assistant General Manager of the Water System. “We’re still in a deep drought, and the rains provide a great opportunity to conserve water that we can use later.” Approximately 40-60% of L.A.’s drinking water is used outdoors for irrigation, and each L.A. resident uses approximately 89 gallons a day. Recently, Mayor Eric Garcetti has called on Angelenos to reduce water use by 20 percent by 2017, and conserving water during the winter season helps the city achieve this goal. To learn about more ways to conserve water and save money through rebate programs, visit www.ladwp.com/waterconservation.
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