LOS ANGELES (July 15, 2022) – LADWP integrated a real-time methane monitoring system earlier this year at its Valley Generating Station (VGS), using two laser-based Boreal GasFinder3-DC monitors located on opposite ends of the VGS property. Readings collected at VGS are posted on www.ladwp.com/valleygen and can be found on the ‘Air Monitoring Data’ tab by clicking on the applicable data point shown on the map. The table displays monitor readings in five-minute averages over the last 24 hours. Current weather conditions such as temperature, wind speed and direction are shown on the map.
These open-path gas detection monitors continuously detect and measure methane concentrations over the entire path of the laser, providing real-time ambient methane concentration readings in parts per million.
The vent off of small amounts of methane gas is a part of operating natural gas power plants, other industrial facilities and fueling stations, and is considered very low in comparison to numerous other emissions sources. This upgraded monitoring system provides the earliest possible detection of potential problems that require immediate attention.
“We’re aware of Valley Gen’s presence in the community and we’re committed to applying all available tools to ensure the measurement of all methane emission levels. Our new monitoring system allows for real-time posting of data, and enables us to take quick action should emissions show an increase above background levels,” said Nancy Sutley, Senior Assistant General Manager of External and Regulatory Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer.
This new system comes online after several months of Beta testing as well as over a year’s worth of manual daily monitoring using hand held devices. The manually monitored data has been posted weekly to the website since January 2021 and can be found on the ‘Historical Monitoring Data’ tab.
For more information about the methane emissions detected at Valley Generating Station, please read our full statement.