Statement by LADWP General Manager Marcie Edwards
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power General Manager Marcie Edwards released the following statement regarding emergency water conservation measures adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board yesterday:
“The emergency water conservation rules adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board are a welcome and strong step in the right direction for the State of California as we face an unprecedented drought. The State Board’s action sends a strong message to Californians and local water agencies that it’s time to get serious about saving water. The emergency measures, which LA already complies with, coupled with a continued commitment by local water agencies to incentivize conservation by investing in strong customer rebate programs, efforts to reduce water loss, and more aggressive development of local water supplies will help us make additional progress toward a more sustainable water future for Los Angeles. Our customers, and the LADWP as a publicly-owned utility, have made a strong commitment to conserving water. By using the same amount of water today as we did 40 years ago, and through a 17% reduction in water use over the past six years, we have demonstrated that watering restrictions, price signals based on water budgets and tiered pricing for our customers, education and enforcement can have a real and lasting impact on our limited water supplies.” # # # |