LADWP Launches New Billing Information Web PageAddressing Billing System Problems and Tracking Progress Are Main Priorities Also Featured in an Open Letter to LADWP Customers |
LOS ANGELES— The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) today launched a new billing information web page,, to provide its customers with better information about operating problems it has experienced and the status of related improvements it is making to its new customer information system (CIS.) The billing information webpage contains information on what LADWP is doing to fix the operating problems, how customers can reduce their time spent on hold, a link to contact LADWP Customer Service, and an option to sign up for email updates. The new page also includes the “Mayor’s Dashboard”, a new weekly report that will be used to track key customer service improvement metrics.
The billing information web page was announced in a letter to customers sent today by new LADWP General Manager Marcie Edwards and LADWP’s Customer Service management team on Edwards’ first day as General Manager. In the letter, Edwards said, “We want to express our sincere apologies for all of the problems caused by the implementation of our new system. We’re working to fix it and we are committed to doing more to keep you informed about the problems and what we are doing to fix them. We appreciate the patience and understanding that has been shown by so many of our valued customers.” To track its progress in resolving all billing problems and improvements in customer service, the Department, in conjunction with the Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti, created and published the “Mayor’s Dashboard,” which includes key performance metrics including total calls, call wait times, the number of accounts estimated and billed on time, the amount of bills awaiting payment by customers, estimated revenue from delayed bills, the overall status, issues, recommendations and next steps. The dashboard will be updated weekly and posted on the new billing information webpage so that customers can track the progress being made. “LADWP is committed to open, honest information about the challenges we may continue to experience in implementing our new system,” said Ms. Edwards. “We will provide information on the progress being made, as well as honest information about the challenges we may continue to experience with our new system and our overall customer service operations. We hope our customers will visit the billing information page to track our progress. We want them to know that we are committed to regaining their trust and providing the type of customer service they expect and deserve,” said Ms. Edwards. To date, the Department has hired and is currently training 49 additional customer service staff to help answer calls and resolve issues. In order to reduce hold times, a personal call back option has also been activated to make it much easier for customers to reach a Customer Service Representative. Staff continues to work each day to stabilize the new software platform and related systems that are part of the new customer information system and more resources have been dedicated to help solve the problems more quickly. The system it replaced was nearly 40-years old and had outlived its operational life. When fully stabilized and all operating issues are resolved, the new CIS will provide greater, enhanced capability to the Department to better meet the needs of its customers and reduce call hold times. ### |