LADWP, LA County Open Construction Contract for
LOS ANGELES—The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Los Angeles County Flood Control District today announced that they will begin soliciting bids for the first phase of construction for the $27 million Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project. The project will double the capacity of the Tujunga Spreading Grounds, thereby helping replenish the San Fernando Groundwater Basin and yielding enough water for up to 48,000 single family homes in LA for an entire year. The County Board of Supervisors approved to advertise the project for bids at the Board meeting yesterday.
LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl (Third District) said the capital improvement project would help reduce LA’s reliance on expensive imported water and developing local water supplies. “Challenges that are regional demand a regional solution. That is why we’re taking a holistic approach and working in sync with all of water resource managers in the LA basin,” Supervisor Kuehl said. “That’s how we will realize the vision of sustainable management for all the water resources throughout our Los Angeles County region.” “This important collaboration by LADWP with LA County Public Works is critical to increasing LA’s independence from expensive, imported water,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. “The expansion of the Tujunga Spreading Grounds will allow us to capture more water for the San Fernando groundwater basin—a step in the right direction to increase our access to local resources. As we continue to address our epic drought, the need is greater than ever to build our water resilience now.” The project will deepen and consolidate existing percolation basins within the spreading grounds and support the capture and infiltration of nearly 16,000 acre-feet (5.2 billion gallons) of stormwater into the groundwater basin each year. The project will also construct two additional intakes to allow high-velocity flows from the Tujunga Wash and Pacoima Diversion Channels to enter the facility through the installation of two inflatable rubber dams, a new fully automated system and telemetry equipment to enhance and ensure safe and efficient operation of the facility. Marcie Edwards, LADWP General Manager said, “Increasing capacity in the Tujunga Spreading Grounds will help us meet Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Executive Directive No. 5 to grow our local water supply and help cut imported water in half. As we double the capacity at Tujunga Spreading Grounds, enhance stormwater capture, increase groundwater replenishment and expand recycled water, Los Angeles can meet the directive and ensure a more sustainable water future for Los Angeles.” The City of Los Angeles counts on local groundwater to supply nearly 11 percent of its water supply. Enhancing capacity at the spreading grounds is critical to maximize groundwater replenishment and to augment the local source. Other benefits include improving surface water quality, aesthetic enhancements, and providing the community with open space elements that allow for passive recreation and enhanced habitat. The Proposition 84 Water Bond is providing a $3 million grant for the project, which will cover 11 percent of the cost. The agencies will advertise for construction through two phases. The first phase will cover deepening and consolidation of the basins, and will cost $22 million. The second phase will be released in October 2016 and will cost $5 million for the intake and landscaping. Construction will begin in February 2016 and will be completed early 2018. For more information about the Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement Project, visit # # # |