Snowpack Runoff Emergency Response Fact Sheet PDF
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George McGraw Confirmed as Newest Member of LA Board of Water and Power Commissioners
LOS ANGELES (July 11, 2023) – George McGraw, a leading expert on water and sanitation, joined the Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners for his first meeting today, following his appointment by Mayor Karen Bass and confirmation by the City Council on June 20th. He joins Board President Cynthia McClain-Hill and Board Members […]
This Father’s Day and Graduation Season, LADWP Reminds Customers to Keep Metallic Balloons Away from Power Lines
LOS ANGELES (JUNE 16, 2023) – With graduation season happening now and Father’s Day around the corner, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) would like to remind its customers that metallic balloons, also known as Mylar balloons, can cause power outages that can impact entire communities, and pose a public safety risk. […]
LADWP Launches Website to Share Locations and Daily Progress of Priority Pole Replacement Work
LOS ANGELES (MAY 4, 2023)–LADWP crews are currently working as quickly as possible to clear the backlog of needed repairs to power poles, cross-arms and other overhead electrical equipment identified through its inspection program. LADWP is committed to the completion of its “Priority 1” repairs by May 16, 2023, as they pose a potential risk […]
LADWP Crews Prepared as Heavy Rain and Wind Storm Forecasted, Reminds Public to Stay Away from Downed Power Lines
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LADWP Crews Prepare for Another Heavy Rain Storm, Reminds Public to Stay Away from Downed Power Lines
LOS ANGELES (MARCH 14, 2023) – Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) crews are prepared and ready to respond to potential power outages as another heavy rain storm is forecasted to hit the southland, including LADWP’s service area tonight, through Wednesday. As with the last heavy rain and wind storm that began February […]