One of the most important things we can all do to prevent the spread of Coronavirus is simple, stay home. Whether you’re working from home, taking care of a loved one, or just staying safe, spending more time inside can also mean higher home energy bills. While at home, LADWP encourages customers to follow these […]
Owens Valley
A Message to Our Owens Valley Customers
BISHOP (March 27, 2020)-As part of our COVID-19 response, LADWP is taking steps to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees. We are also offering flexible payment arrangements for anyone experiencing financial hardship. You can sign up online if you need help making payments, and we won’t shut off your service if you […]
Temporary Road Access Closure to Sage Grouse Breeding Grounds, Long Valley, California
Closure to be in place March 1-April 21, 2020 Starting on Sunday, March 1, LADWP will be implementing a temporary road access closure at North Landing Rd (north of Crowley Lake Reservoir) to limit vehicular access to Greater Sage-Grouse breeding grounds from March 1- April 21, 2020. Vehicular traffic from the public will be prohibited during […]
LADWP Announces Deputy Manager of Aqueduct Operations
LOS ANGELES (February 10, 2020) – Adam Perez has been selected as the new Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Deputy Manager of the Aqueduct for the Water Operations Division. Mr. Perez will succeed the current Manager of Aqueduct, Mr. Clarence Martin, upon his retirement later this year. Mr. Perez’s appointment was effective […]
LADWP Warns Customers: Don’t Let Scammers Spoil Your Holidays
LOS ANGELES (December 18, 2019) – This holiday season, LADWP is reminding our customers to be vigilant when it comes to potential utility scams, so that their precious, hard-earned dollars stay in their pockets and not in the hands of crooks. Utility scams have become a growing problem for utilities across the nation, and the […]
Haiwee Power Plant Penstock Replacement Project Wins Prestigious Engineering Award
Through Innovation and Design, LADWP Power System Replaces Approximately 10,000 Feet of New Penstock Pipe OLANCHA, CA (December 6, 2019) – The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has received recognition for the engineering marvel of its Haiwee Power Plant Penstock Replacement Project. Originally installed in the 1920s, the gravity-fed penstock carries water […]