LADWP Promotes Growth of Electric Vehicles through Suite of Attractive Rebates during National Drive Electric Week LOS ANGELES (September 12, 2019) – Los Angeles residents interested in electric vehicles (EV) are invited to the ninth annual “Charge Up LA!,” Los Angeles’ premier EV test drive event, on Saturday, September 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 […]
MEDIA ADVISORY: LADWP Announces Year-Long Power Upgrade Project on Sunset Blvd in Greater Bel Air Area
Councilmember Koretz Asks for Public’s Cooperation with Partial Road Closure on Sunset Blvd WHAT: Councilmember Paul Koretz, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) to host a PRESS CONFERENCE to alert the public that LADWP is initiating a year-long power upgrade project along two areas of […]
MEDIA ADVISORY: LADWP and City Leaders Celebrate Tap Water Day LA, Announce Plans to Install 200 Hydration Stations in Advance of 2028 Olympics
WHAT: The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to announce at the 5th Annual Tap Water Day LA, plans to install or refurbish 200 drinking water stations city-wide for the enjoyment and health of all residents and visitors to the city, in advance of the 2028 Olympics, as part of LA’s Green New […]
MEDIA ADVISORY: Inyo/LA Standing Committee Meeting
WHAT: The Inyo/LA Standing Committee meeting is made up of Inyo and LA policy makers and provides the direction of the Inyo/LA Technical Group. The Inyo/LA Standing Committee was created through a 1982 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of LA, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), and Inyo County. WHEN: Monday, […]
MEDIA ADVISORY: LADWP and IBEW Local 18 Host Lineman’s Rodeo Competition
WHAT: Utility linemen from the Western United States show off their knowledge, athleticism and commitment to safety at the 2019 Los Angeles Lineman’s Rodeo. Hosted each year by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and IBEW Local 18, the Lineman’s Rodeo is a family friendly event in which journeymen and apprentice […]
Media Advisory: 2019 Annual Chatsworth Nature Preserve Earth Day Open House
WHAT: Annual family-friendly event held at the City of Los Angeles’ only nature preserve, hosted by LADWP, the Santa Susana Mountain Park Association and Sky Valley Volunteers featuring: Guided Nature Hikes Live Animal Exhibits Native American Blessing Environmental and Community Resource Fair Face Painting Native American Storytelling WHEN: Saturday, April 6, 2019 from 10 a.m. […]